How To Renew A Damaged Bathware?

Bathware includes various types of products like bathtubs, faucets, showers, washbasins, and allied accessories. Since most of the bathware equipments are exposed to water of varying temperature, they tend to get damaged when used on a constant basis. Modern baths and sinks are quite expensive and replacing them with new ones can definitely cost you a considerable amount of money. The installation charges are also quite high as it leads to the replacement of surface tiling. Hence, refurbishing is the best possible option. In this article, we will be considering a few steps that can help you in restoring a damaged bathware.

Re-glazing or refinishing

Re-glazing is a procedure that is suitable for bath that has a cracked or chipped surface. The process is also popularly known as bathtub resurfacing Sydney. In this procedure, the caulk along with the damaged surface is scraped out and this leaves the underneath structures exposed. After this, the entire structure is cleaned and dried. Next, the damaged part is etched with a bonding agent and then a filler or epoxy resin is applied. This is followed by application of a coating material that creates a mask only on the resurfaced areas. In this procedure, the internal structures made of cast iron are not retouched or replaced. Only the exterior damage is sealed. Although it is an effective method to repair external damages, it may last only for some years. However, if the tub is not exposed to extreme temperatures, it may remain undamaged for a longer period. 

Stain removal

Baths can look quite dirty when they get stained. Water stains are quite tough and they require special treatment techniques like the application of chemical cleaners. You can hire some experts for getting the work done. Most of them make use of scrubs and bleaching agents that can bring quick results. However, if the stains are combined with rust or cracks, you need to opt for a re-enameling procedure. You can check online to learn about nearby bathware re-enameling services. These services can restore your baths quite easily. However, the charges would be moderate to high depending on the extent of cleaning involved.

Vitreous enamel coating

Vitreous enamel or porcelain is the material used for making bath and other bathware products. If the porcelain coating of your tub has been entirely damaged, you can get it restored with the help of vitreous enameling. For details, you can browse for vitreous enameling and bath resurfacing Adelaide cost and nice enamel bath repairs and services. The process involves removal of the external patches and the damaged cast iron parts that form the internal foundation. A new layer of cast iron is replaced by putting the tub inside a furnace. At around 850 Celsius of heat, the cast iron fixing is thoroughly accomplished.